Home Algorithms
17 | 02 | 2025

This section contains information on various algorithms, their use and other interesting background information. The here given algorithms are for private and educational use only. Although carefully controlled the author(s) can not guarantee freedom of errors.


  • Bioinformatics   ( 1 Article )


    The bioinformatic section introduces some specific algorithms used in life sciences. This includes for example the computation of reverse complements, DNA to protein translations or how to translate DNA strands with ambiguities when using the complete IUPAC code table for nucleotides.

  • Dot-plots   ( 3 Articles )


    Dot-plot are a simple to use and powerful tool for the investigation of pattern recurrence in sequences. The method itself is context-independent. Thus, dot-plots can be applied to sequences where every symbol represents an item or tokenised object. By this they are capable to investigate texts, patterns in chronological events, as well as gene strands and have a broad application field to scrutinise sequences for inherent patterns.

  • Matrices   ( 4 Articles )


    Algorithms and functions to handle, store and calculate with matrices. Several source codes are based on a variable type t2dVariantArrayDouble that defines the proper matrix, as well as optional titles for columns, rows and the matrix itself. This type is introduced in the general overview.

  • Network   ( 1 Article )


    Code snippets for network tasks.

  • Similarity   ( 6 Articles )

    Similarity, dissimilarity and distances among data records

    Articles in this category deal with the problem to identify how alike two data records with n variables are. Such data records can be conceived as objects in a n-dimensional space. A general introduction can be found as well as a couple of documented algorithms for specific measurements. The algorithms introduce different metrics to calculate distances between such objects in the respective space. The functions return triangular matrices indicating the relationships among objects included in the analysis.

  • Seawater   ( 4 Articles )

    Algorithms on seawater

    This sections deals with algorithms for the calculation of properties of seawater. Most of the algorithms can also be found as fortran codes in the UNESCO technical paper 44 - 'Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater' (published 1983). The here given algorithms are translated from the original fortran codes and are adopted to todays programming style guides.

  • Strings   ( 1 Article )

    Algorithms on strings

    Articles in this category deal with several aspects of string manipulation. Beside basic functions for string manipulations more complex algorithms are described. These include pattern matching functions, as well as algorithms for the investigation of larger sequences.

  • Temperature   ( 4 Articles )

    Various algorithms for measuring temperature on different scales, including IPTS-68 and ITS-90.

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