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Software - ASCII data file merger
Written by Jan Schulz   
Friday, 14 September 2007 07:26

ASCII spreadsheet merger

The 'American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)' spreadsheet merger is a small tool for merging two or more spreadsheets files given in plain text format. It expects the cells within each row to be delimited by tabulators (#9) and the rows to be separated by carriage returns (#13). This is for example the standard output format generated by MS Excel, when saving a table in tab-delimited text format.

During import the program assigns columns with already known column captions to the respective column index. New columns will be appended to the right of the table and cells missing in non-existing columns of other imported files are blanked. The merged table can be saved in an ASCII plain text format and easily imported into other spreadsheet programs.

The software needs no installation and can be run from any storage device on systems with WindowsTM operating systems. No problems have been reported so far when running under emulated WindowsTM systems on other systems.


License/Terms of use

The program is free of charge for non-commercial, scientific and civil use. In any other case please get in contact. It may be copied and passed to third persons, as long as the origin is referenced. Donations will not be rejected. If you use the program for your scientific work please reference it. 



The program is delivered 'as is'. Functionality has been checked by the author but a complete freedom of errors can not be guaranteed. This means the author is not responsible for incorrect results, unreliable data or anything else that is related to the use of the program. It is strongly recommended that you control results produced with this software. 



FileVersion Description Updated
ASCII spreadsheet merger
0.9.0 Zipped Spreadsheet merger file for Windows operating systems
21nd March 2008






Last Updated on Saturday, 17 January 2009 23:27
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