Get information about the installed network adapters
This Delphi unit returns a list of all network interfaces installed. The retrieved information refer to the IPv4 protocol.
Every item in the returned list contains the full information on each network interface. This includes the IP address, subnet mask, network address, limited and directed broadcast address and boolean information whether the interface is up, supports broadcasts and might be a loopback adapter.
Unit USock;
Uses Windows, Winsock;
{ Unit to identify the network interfaces This code requires at least Win98/ME/2K, 95 OSR 2 or NT service pack #3 as WinSock 2 is used (WS2_32.DLL) }
// Constants found in manual on non-officially documented M$ Winsock functions Const SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST = $4004747F; IFF_UP = $00000001; IFF_BROADCAST = $00000002; IFF_LOOPBACK = $00000004; IFF_POINTTOPOINT = $00000008; IFF_MULTICAST = $00000010;
Type SockAddr_Gen = Packed Record AddressIn : SockAddr_In; Padding : Packed Array [0..7] of Char; end;
Interface_Info = Record iiFlags : u_Long; iiAddress : SockAddr_Gen; iiBroadcastAddress : SockAddr_Gen; iiNetmask : SockAddr_Gen; end;
tNetworkInterface = Record ComputerName : String; AddrIP : String; SubnetMask : String; AddrNet : String; AddrLimitedBroadcast : String; AddrDirectedBroadcast : String; IsInterfaceUp : Boolean; BroadcastSupport : Boolean; IsLoopback : Boolean; end;
tNetworkInterfaceList = Array of tNetworkInterface;
Function WSAIoctl (aSocket : TSocket; aCommand : DWord; lpInBuffer : PChar; dwInBufferLen : DWord; lpOutBuffer : PChar; dwOutBufferLen : DWord; lpdwOutBytesReturned : LPDWord; lpOverLapped : Pointer; lpOverLappedRoutine : Pointer) : Integer; stdcall; external 'WS2_32.DLL';
Function GetNetworkInterfaces (Var aNetworkInterfaceList : tNetworkInterfaceList): Boolean;
Function GetNetworkInterfaces (Var aNetworkInterfaceList : tNetworkInterfaceList): Boolean; // Returns a complete list the of available network interfaces on a system (IPv4) // Copyright by Dr. Jan Schulz, 23-26th March 2007 // This version can be used for free and non-profit projects. In any other case get in contact // Written with information retrieved from MSDN // www.code10.net Var aSocket : TSocket; aWSADataRecord : WSAData; NoOfInterfaces : Integer; NoOfBytesReturned : u_Long; InterfaceFlags : u_Long; NameLength : DWord; pAddrIP : SockAddr_In; pAddrSubnetMask : SockAddr_In; pAddrBroadcast : Sockaddr_In; pIPString : PChar; pSubnetMaskString : PChar; pLimBroadcastString : PChar; pNetAddrString : PChar; pDirBroadcastString : PChar; DirBroadcastDummy : In_Addr; NetAddrDummy : In_Addr; Buffer : Array [0..30] of Interface_Info; i : Integer; Begin Result := False; SetLength (aNetworkInterfaceList, 0);
// Startup of old the WinSock // WSAStartup ($0101, aWSADataRecord);
// Startup of WinSock2 WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), aWSADataRecord);
// Open a socket aSocket := Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
// If impossible to open a socket, not worthy to go any further If (aSocket = INVALID_SOCKET) THen Exit;
Try If WSAIoCtl (aSocket, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, NIL, 0, @Buffer, 1024, @NoOfBytesReturned, NIL, NIL) <> SOCKET_ERROR THen Begin NoOfInterfaces := NoOfBytesReturned Div SizeOf (Interface_Info); SetLength (aNetworkInterfaceList, NoOfInterfaces);
// For each of the identified interfaces get: For i := 0 to NoOfInterfaces - 1 do Begin
With aNetworkInterfaceList[i] do Begin
// Get the name of the machine NameLength := MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; SetLength (ComputerName, NameLength) ; If Not Windows.GetComputerName (PChar (Computername), NameLength) THen ComputerName := '';
// Get the IP address pAddrIP := Buffer[i].iiAddress.AddressIn; pIPString := inet_ntoa (pAddrIP.Sin_Addr); AddrIP := pIPString;
// Get the subnet mask pAddrSubnetMask := Buffer[i].iiNetMask.AddressIn; pSubnetMaskString := inet_ntoa (pAddrSubnetMask.Sin_Addr); SubnetMask := pSubnetMaskString;
// Get the limited broadcast address pAddrBroadcast := Buffer[i].iiBroadCastAddress.AddressIn; pLimBroadcastString := inet_ntoa (pAddrBroadcast.Sin_Addr); AddrLimitedBroadcast := pLimBroadcastString;
// Calculate the net and the directed broadcast address NetAddrDummy.S_addr := Buffer[i].iiAddress.AddressIn.Sin_Addr.S_Addr; NetAddrDummy.S_addr := NetAddrDummy.S_addr And Buffer[i].iiNetMask.AddressIn.Sin_Addr.S_Addr; DirBroadcastDummy.S_addr := NetAddrDummy.S_addr Or Not Buffer[i].iiNetMask.AddressIn.Sin_Addr.S_Addr;
pNetAddrString := inet_ntoa ((NetAddrDummy)); AddrNet := pNetAddrString;
pDirBroadcastString := inet_ntoa ((DirBroadcastDummy)); AddrDirectedBroadcast := pDirBroadcastString;
// From the evaluation of the Flags we receive more information InterfaceFlags := Buffer[i].iiFlags;
// Is the network interface up or down ? If (InterfaceFlags And IFF_UP) = IFF_UP THen IsInterfaceUp := True Else IsInterfaceUp := False;
// Does the network interface support limited broadcasts ? If (InterfaceFlags And IFF_BROADCAST) = IFF_BROADCAST THen BroadcastSupport := True Else BroadcastSupport := False;
// Is the network interface a loopback interface ? If (InterfaceFlags And IFF_LOOPBACK) = IFF_LOOPBACK THen IsLoopback := True Else IsLoopback := False; end; end; end; Except Result := False; end;
// Cleanup the mess CloseSocket (aSocket); WSACleanUp; Result := True; end;
Example call:
uses USock;
Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var i : Integer; aNetInterfaceList : tNetworkInterfaceList; Begin If (GetNetworkInterfaces (aNetInterfaceList)) THen Begin Memo1.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add (DateTimeToStr (Now)+ ' : ');
For i := 0 to High (aNetInterfaceList) do Begin Memo1.Lines.Add (''); Memo1.Lines.Add ('# : ' + IntToStr(i)); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Name : ' + aNetInterfaceList[i].ComputerName); Memo1.Lines.Add ('IP-Address : ' + aNetInterfaceList[i].AddrIP); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Subnet mask : ' + aNetInterfaceList[i].SubnetMask); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Net address : ' + aNetInterfaceList[i].AddrNet); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Limited broadcast address : ' + aNetInterfaceList[i].AddrLimitedBroadcast); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Directed Broadcast address : ' + aNetInterfaceList[i].AddrDirectedBroadcast); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Interface up : ' + BoolToStr (aNetInterfaceList[i].IsInterfaceUp, True)); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Broadcast supported : ' + BoolToStr (aNetInterfaceList[i].BroadcastSupport, True)); Memo1.Lines.Add ('Loopback interface : ' + BoolToStr (aNetInterfaceList[i].IsLoopback, True)); Memo1.Lines.Add (''); end; end; end;