Curriculum vitae

Dr. rer. nat. Jan Schulz
Address: Hinter der Mühle 5, 27619 Schiffdorf-Spaden, Germany Mail: Jan.Schulz [at] Date of birth: May 1974 Nationality: German
Academic Career & Employments
03/2009-to date
IMARE – Institute for Marine Resources, Bremerhaven
Vice head of the department ‘Marine Physics and Sensors’. Responsible for imaging systems, software and data.
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Scientific project leader in several cooperations for the development of a Multi-Sensor-Carrier-System (MUSECS) and particle detection in fluids.
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Postdoc in the synthesis phase of the German Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics project, GLOBEC-Germany (BMBF-funding 03F0320D). Coordination and transferring field data into the database of the World-Data-Centre MARE (
Non-invasive optical methods for the detection of zooplankton in the water-column, Bremerhaven
Project for development of new investigation approaches to identify fine-scale relationships between hydrography and appearance of plankton specimens. Technical coordinator and developer of the scientific part (BIS-funding 56008/2-Z).
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
PhD thesis: Zooplankton variability in the presence of discontinuity layers in the Baltic Sea and new methods to detect relationships. Furthermore design, development and establishing of optical methods for remote zooplankton detection and software design.
Merck Pharma Deutschland, Darmstadt
Scientific representative for pharmaceuticals in the strategic fields of cardiac, diabetic, thyroid and gynaecological products. Developing a clientele, customer care, positioning of post marketing safety surveillance studies, planning and operating congresses and trainings for physicians.
Hannover School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover
Thesis for a diploma (Master): The distribution of the calcium binding proteins CalbindinD28k and Calretinin in the otolaryngological system of Gallus gallus f. domestica. Diploma in the subjects: Zoology, Ecology, Geology and Hydrobiology.
Hannover School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover
Several appointments as student assistant in the zoological-anatomical lab course for biologists, geologists, physicians and veterinarians.
Hannover University and
School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover
Specialisation in Aquatic ecology, Limnology, Terrestrial ecology, Geology, Laboratory animal science, Immuno-histochemistry and Neurobiology.
Pfeil Trawid GmbH, Hasede
Software design and development for backup systems between ISO/EIA RS232 interfaces of CNC punching machines in heterogeneous PC environments.
R+S, Hannover
Several appointments for the service provider R+S during Hannover Fairs. Since 1999 fore worker.
Hannover University and
School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover
Basic biology training leading to the german ‘Vordiplom’ (Bachelor) in Zoology, Botany, Chemistry and Physics.
High school Himmelsthür, Hildesheim
Acquiring the general qualification for university entrance with the subjects Chemistry, Biology, Geography and English.
Computing |
Excellent knowledge of the languages Pascal and Delphi. Very good experience with the software suites Corel Draw, Illustrator, Ocean Data View, Photoshop and various statistic and office packages (including R-project, SigmaStat, Primer, Statistica, Brodgar, OpenOffice, MS Office). Very good knowledge of algorithms, data structures, software design and architecture, including the understanding of ancient systems and data types. Further knowledge in Joomla, HTML, C, Assembler, Javascript and Typo3 (descending order). Basic knowledge in LaTeχ, MikTeχ and Lyx typesetting. |
Diving license |
Scientific diver, Helgoland, Germany, 05-09/2005.
Drivers license |
Clean, including motor vehicles up to 7.5 tons and trailers.
Hobbies |
Diving, photography, programming, swimming, travelling.
Immuno-histochemistry |
Skills in ABC immuno-histochemistry staining techniques, especially with calcium binding proteins. Applying of these methods for detecting differences, topologic and hodologic relationships in the otolaryngological system of birds.
Laboratory animal science |
Course corresponding to the ‘Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations’ and ‘Gesellschaft für Versuchtstierkunde/Society of Laboratory Animal Science’ recommendations on the education and training of persons responsible for directing animal experiments (FELASA & GV-SOLAS category C), Hannover 03/1999.
Marine gears and methods |
Handling experience of the gears and methods: Apstein net, Bongo net, CTD, Laser-Optical-Plankton-Counter, Multispectrofluorometer (bbe Moldaenke) and the binary output, Multinet, processing of fishery hauls, putting remote sensors on platforms on stream, Video-Plankton-Recorder systems, WP-2 net.
Media skills |
Training course for scientists with the main topics: interface between journalist and scientist, communicating results to the public and interview training in front of camera and microphone (Training course of media skills), Bremerhaven 02/2004.
Microscopy |
Good experiences in different light microscopy techniques and basics in electron microscopy.
Offshore survival techniques |
Model course meeting the requirements of chapter VI section A-VI/1, paragraph 1 and 2 of the STCW95 convention, certified by Germanischer Lloyd (Proficiency in survival techniques for offshore purposes, Hamburg 07/2003).
Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) - Germany, 01/2007 - 12/2007
Postdoc in the synthesis phase of the project (Funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF 03F0320D).
Optical methods for remote sensing of zooplankton, Bremen, 03/2004 - 06/2007
Development and design of new methods to detect relationships between hydrography and zooplankton appearance on different scales in aquatic systems. Proposal preparation for a total volume of 400.000€ and chief developer on the scientific side (Funded by Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung, BIS 56008/2-Z).
Ocean Sneaker’s Tool, Software development, 11/2002 - up to now
Architect and chief developer of an open code software project for processing, geo-coding, visualising, generating and processing marine and aquatic data. Ocean Sneaker’s Tool is listed by several institutes and projects, as the Ocean Teacher’s Program of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Committee/UNESCO or CENSOR as an official tool for geo-coding data.
Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) - Germany, 10/2002 - 12/2006
Participant and PhD student (Funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF 03F0320D).
Publications & Manuscripts
Schulz J., Leese F., Held C. (submitted): Dot-plots – Algorithms and Applications.
Cornils A., Schulz J., Schmitt P., Lanuru M., Richter C., Schnack-Schiel S. B.(2010): Mesozooplankton distribution in the Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia, Sulawesi) with special reference to the Calanoida (Copepoda). Deep-Sea Research II, 57(24-26):2076-2088. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.09.011.
Schulz J., Barz K., Ayon P., Lüdtke A., Zielinski O., Mengedoht D., Hirche H.-J. (2010): Imaging of plankton specimens with the Lightframe On-sight Keyspecies Investigation (LOKI) system. Journal of the European Optical Society – Rapid publications 5, 10017s. ISSN 1990-2573.
Zielinski O., Saworski B., Schulz J. (2010): Marine bubble detection using optical-flow techniques. Journal of the European Optical Society – Rapid publications 5, 10016s. ISSN 1990-2573.
Schulz J., Barz K., Mengedoht D., Hanken T., Lilienthal H., Rieper N., Hoops J., Vogel K., Hirche H.-J. (2009): Lightframe On-sight Key species Investigation (LOKI) - The art of imaging minute plankton species on-the-fly. IEEE Catalog Number CFP09OCF-CDR, 5
Schulz J., Tamm S., Moll A., Zabanski S. (2008): GLOBEC Germany – Integrated Datasets. WDC-MARE Reports 0007/2008. hdl:10013/epic.32135. ISSN 1611 6577 (print version). ISSN 1862 4022 (digital version).
Schulz J., Mengedoht D., Barz K., Basilico A., Henrich M., Hirche H.-J. (2008): Remote sensing of zooplankton. In: Observing the Coastal Sea - an Atlas of Advanced Monitoring Techniques. Editors: Doerffer, Colijn, van Beusekom. LOICZ Reports & Studies No. 33. Geesthacht, Germany: GKSS Research Centre. ISSN 1383 4304.
Schulz J., Barz K., Dickmann M., Hirche H.-J. (2007): Predation control by hydrographic gradients. GLOBEC International Newsletter 13(2):65-66.
Schulz J., Möllmann C., Hirche H.-J. (2007): Vertical zonation of the zooplankton community in the Central Baltic Sea in relation to hydrographic stratification as revealed by Multivariate Discriminant Function- and Canonical Analysis. Journal of Marine Systems doi://10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.09.004.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J. (2007): Living below the halocline - Strategies of deep living zooplankton species in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Plankton Research 29(10):881-894. doi://10.1093/plankt/fbm066. Schulz J. (2006): Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of zooplankton in the central Baltic Sea and methods to detect them. Arbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. rer. nat. an der Universität Bremen, Deutschland.
Schulz J., Potthoff M., Dickmann M. (2006): Ocean Sneaker’s Tool: An open code software tool for fast processing, exploring, and visualising marine and aquatic data. GLOBEC International Newsletter 12(1):84-85.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J. (2004): Zooplankton distribution in the Bornholm Sea - A seasonal overview. ICES Conference Paper CM 2004/P:19.
Schulz J. (2001): Die Verteilung der calciumbindenden Proteine CalbindinD28k und Calretinin in der Hörbahn von Gallus gallus. Diplomarbeit, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Deutschland.
Intellectual Property
Schulz J. (2007): Vorrichtung zur Partikeldetektion in einer tiefenbegrenzten Lichtscheibe. Applikation zur optischen Begrenzung eines zu beobachtenden Volumens in einem transparenten, frei strömenden Fluid. Granted Patent in Germany (DE 10 2005 028 893 B4, 2007.12.06) and pending in all countries of the Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT/DE-2006/001073).
Schulz J., Potthoff M. (2006): Reflektorstrahler. Reflector spotlight to emit light from several light sources as one collimated beam. Pending patent application in Germany (D-10 2006 044 019.6).
Schulz J. (2005): Lichtring. A circular luminous source for illuminating constrained volumes and its application. Pending patent application in Germany (D-10 2005 050 722.0) and the countries adhered to the Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT/DE-2006/001657).
Schulz J. (2005): Reflektorleuchte. High gain reflector lamp for underwater applications. Granted utility model in Germany (D-20 2005 009 814.0).
Hirche H.-J., Barz K., Schulz J., Ayon P.: High resolution zooplankton sampling off Peru. COLACMAR, Oct. 26-30 2009, Havanna, Cuba.
Barz K., Schulz J., Ayon P., Hirche H.-J.: LOKI, a new optical system for high-resolution plankton investigations, ICES annual science conference 2009, Sep. 21-25, Berlin, Germany.
Schulz J., Barz K., Mengedoht D., Hanken T., Lilienthal H., Rieper N., Hoops J., Vogel K., Hirche H.-J.: LOKI - A new video plankton recording system. EOS Topical Meeting on "Blue" Photonics - Optics in the Sea -, Aberdeen, Scottland (UK), 18-19. August 2009.
Schulz J., Barz K., Mengedoht D., Hanken T., Lilienthal H., Rieper N., Hoops J., Vogel K., Hirche H.-J.: Lightframe On-sight Key species Investigation (LOKI) - The art of imaging minute plankton species on-the-fly. IEEE Oceans’09, 3.3-2 Oceanographic Instrumentation, buoys and cables 2, 05/2009, Bremen, Germany.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J.: Vertical segregation of the zooplankton community by hydrography and implications for trophodynamic interactions in the central Baltic Sea - A multivariate discriminant function- and canonical analysis. ICES Annual Science Conference, ICES CM 2007/G:09, Helsinki, Finnland.
Schulz J., Mengedoht D., Hirche H.-J.: Partikelidentifikation im Meerwasser zur in-vivo Observation von Zooplankton – Optische und bildgebende Systeme im Unterwassereinsatz. Congress Innovation and Competence in Marine Techniques InnoMeerKom’07, 05/2007, Bremerhaven, Germany.
Schulz J., Mengedoht D.M., Hirche H.-J.: Imaging the small - Lightframe On-sight Keyspecies Investigation (LOKI). 38th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, 05/2006, Liège, Belgien.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J.: Vertical zooplankton zonation in the Baltic Sea. 38th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, 05/2006, Liège, Belgien.
Schulz J., Mengedoht D.M.: Light management and Video-Plankton-Recorder systems. GLOBEC/SPACC Workshop for Image analysis to count and identify zooplankton, 11/2005, San Sebastian, Spanien.
Schulz J., Mengedoht D.M.: Imaging plankton – Methods for in-situ observations of zooplankton in relation to environmental parameters. 2nd MarTech Workshop, 10/2005, Bremerhaven & Bremen, Deutschland.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J.: Zooplankton, layers and interactions. 5th Baltic Sea Science Congress, BSSC BMB-I, 06/2005, Sopot, Polen.
Mengedoht D.M., van Beusekom J.E.E., Schulz J., Schwarz J.N.: Seasonal and spatial patterns of dominant phytoplankton groups in the Bornholm Basin. A comparison of in-situ profiles with a multispectrofluorometer and satellite data. 5th Baltic Sea Science Congress, BSSC BMB-I, 06/2005, Sopot, Polen.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J.: Zooplankton distribution in the Bornholm Sea - A seasonal overview. ICES Annual Science Conference, ICES CM2004/P:19, 09/2004, Vigo, Spanien.
Mengedoht D.M., van Beusekom J.E.E., Boersma M., Hirche H.-J., Schulz J., Schwarz J.N.: Seasonal and spatial patterns of dominant phytoplankton groups in the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea): A comparison of in situ fluorescence profiles with a multispectrofluorometer and satellite data. ICES Ann. Science Conference, ICES CM2004/L:21, 09/2004, Vigo, Spanien.
Hirche H.-J., Barz K., Schulz J. (2009): FLOKI, a new laboratory imaging system for the documentation and analysis of live and preserved zooplankton samples. ICES Annual Science Conference 2009, Sep. 21-25, Berlin, Germany.
Mengedoht D., Schulz J., Hirche H.-J. (2007): Imaging live zooplankton with LOKI. InWaterTec – International Inwater Technology Conference and Exhibition, Kiel, Germany, 10/2007.
Mengedoht D., Schulz J., Hirche H.-J. (2007): Imaging live zooplankton. 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium, 05/2007, Hiroshima, Japan. Session S9, ID#3591.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J. (2007): Vertical zonation of zooplankton in the central Baltic Sea in relation to hydrographic stratification. Meeting of the MarCoPolI Coast section, 04/2007, Helgoland, Deutschland.
Schulz J., Mengedoht D., Hirche H.-J. (2007): LOKI - Lightframe On-sight Keyspecies Investigation. Meeting of the MarCoPolI Coast section, 04/2007, Helgoland, Deutschland.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J. (2004): Ocean Sneaker's Tool - open source software. ICES Annual Science Conference, 09/2004, Vigo, Spanien. ICES CM 2004/L:31.
Schulz J., Mengedoht D.M. (2004): Ocean Sneaker‘s Tool Data Converting–Processing-Visualisation. Status seminar of the GLOBEC-Germany Evaluation, 01/2004, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Schulz J., Hirche H.-J., Dutz J., Mohrholz V. (2004): Living in a highly stratified environment - Relation of hydrographic parameters to the vertical distribution of dominant copepods in the Baltic Sea. Status seminar of the GLOBEC-Germany Evaluation, 01/2004, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Kaiser A., Schulz J. (2001): Distribution of calcium-binding proteins CalbindinD28k and Calretinin in the auditory pathway of the chicken. ARO Midwinter Meeting, 2001, USA.
Media & Conferences
Oceans’09 (2009): Chairman of the Sessions Ecology versus Economy and Marine Law and Policy. IEEE Oceans’09, 05/2009, Bremen, Germany.
Selzer C. (2009): Umwelt und Verbraucher. Radio Deutschlandfunk. Broadcasting date: 13.05.2009.
Baron U., Kunft B. (2007): Das!taucht. Plankton-Messgerät im Test. NDR ‚Das Abendstudio’. Broadcasting date 22.07.2006.,3147,OID2867496,00.html.
English: Proficient knowledge, spoken and written
German: Mother tongue
Spanish: Rudimentary
Malagasy: Rudimentary
Stays Abroad and Terrestrial Fieldwork
Madagascar, 11/1999 - 01 2000 Aiding data acquisition to investigate life cycle strategies of the newly discovered species Microcebus ravelobensis in northern Malagasy dry forests (Station Ampijoroa). Several stays in other parts of the country.
Costa Rica, 02/1998 - 03/1998 Training course in terrestrial and marine tropical ecology of the Hannover School of Veterinarian Medicine.
England, several stays between 1990 and 1993 Participant of several youth exchanges with twinning towns.
MSM07-03, Namibia to Capo Verde, 03-04/2008: R/V Maria S. Merian, cruise participant, responsible investigator for the LOKI gear.
HEI 247, North Sea, 04/2006: R/V Heincke, cruise participant, scientific diver.
ALK 237, North Sea, 05/2004: R/V Alkor, cruise participant.
ALK 226, Baltic Sea, 08/2003: R/V Alkor, cruise participant.
HEI 193, Baltic Sea, 07/2003: R/V Heincke, cruise participant.
ALK 219, Baltic Sea, 04/2003: R/V Alkor, cruise participant.
AvH 44/03/01, Baltic Sea, 02/2003: R/V Alexander von Humboldt, cruise participant.