Home Software Serolis-Dotplots Serolis - Software package for dot-plot creation
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Serolis - Software package for dot-plot creation PDF Print E-mail
Software - Serolis
Written by Jan Schulz   
Thursday, 15 May 2008 16:06


Dot-plot software for literal and genetic sequences and DNA translation

Serolis is a small tool to investigate sequences visually by dot-plots. It allows to process strands of several hundreds or thousands of symbols and to interactively zoom into the plots. For genetic investigation it has build-in tables for DNA to protein translations and can BLAST sequences via web-access. Thus, one can easily execute a full workflow without 'program-hopping'. Beside normal text files Serolis imports FASTA and Multi-FASTA files. The software can be directly run from any USB storage device without installation, what makes it an interesting tool to take with.


License/Terms of use

This software is donation-ware. Even when you use it sporadically, it is strongly recommended to donate a voluntary amount for keeping it up to date, investments in new techniques and even to accredit the authors work. Proposed amounts per installation for non-commercial, scientific and civil use are given during start-up and start with ~10 Euro . But any other fundings are also welcomed ;-) If you use the program for your scientific work please reference it.



The program is delivered 'as is'. Functionality has been checked by the author but a guarantee can not be given. This means the author is not responsible for incorrect results, unreliable data or anything else that is related to the use of the program. The software has been carefully checked for errors. Anyhow a complete freedom of errors can not be guaranteed. Thus, it is recommended that you control results produced with this software.


Operating system

Serolis was written for Windows 2000, XP and Vista operating systems. No guarantee is given for the operating systems Windows 95 and Windows 98. Serolis was tested to run in emulated Windows environments on Mac OS X. In tests Serolis was found to run without problems for strands of several hundreds to thousands of symbols when enough memory was available.

Since version 1.0 Serolis processes Unicode characters. This allows investigation of non ASCII characters, but also limits the application to the operating systems Windows 2000, XP and Vista. For compatibility reasons Serolis v0.9 release is still available.




Serolis dot-plot software with Unicode support 23th April 2009
0.9.9 Serolis dot-plot software for Windows operating systems
22nd July 2008


Overview and explanation how dot-plot-are created, modified and interpreted is found on the algorithms section of this web-site.



 Screenshot of Serolis.


Last Updated on Thursday, 23 April 2009 13:33
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